In a recent interview with Louisiana Channel, Copenhagen-based architects Søren Johansen and Sebastian Skovsted share insights into their design process - stating the importance of creating architecture that seamlessly blends into the landscape yet stands out on its own right. Discussing the minimalist nature of their projects, the architects are careful not to put themselves in a box, saying, "When you ask about minimalism in our work, or any other ism, we are not interested in simplicity for simplicity’s sake.”
Their practice - Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter - was founded in 2014, and, seeks to synthesize contemporary building materials and processes with basic architectural values. Structure is at the forefront of the office's design process - and the practice sees structure as a significant part of public space, placing and connecting components that are both readable and relatable and which strongly contribute to a particular spatial character.

The office has been rewarded with several prizes, such as the Häuser Award - Interior Prize 2020, the AD Design Award 2018, and the Three-Year Working Grant of the Danish Arts Foundation 2017. Both of the architects studied architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation (KADK), and in addition to their practice, they teach at KADK at the Institute of Architecture and Technology.
To see more architecture videos, check ArchDaily's full coverage of Louisiana Channel's series of interviews.
News Via Louisiana Channel.